Andrew Emmons
Los Angeles, California. 2004-2008
- Major: BA Fine Arts, Digital Media
- Minor: Computer Science
Work Experience
AIRMAP (2016-2018) Software Engineer
BERLIN, Germany
- Build real-time data pipelines to collect telemetry for manned and unmanned aircraft from multiple data providers.
- Integrate our aggregate stream of real-time telemetry with internal products via consumable APIs and protocols.
- Static geospatial airspace data map tile generation pipeline.
- Map tile server which served static and dynamic geospatial airspace data.
- Support and refine currently deployed microservices.
- Migrate services to Kubernetes based deployments.
SANTA MONICA, California
- TEAM LEAD managing the engineers building core microservices.
- Break down product specifications into actionable engineering tasks and distribute them to team members for execution.
- Real-time telemetry data pipelines.
- Geospatial data processing pipelines.
- Support and develop internal and external RESTful APIs.
- Manage competing project timelines to align with Senior Management’s overall company goals.
- Maintain infrastructure on AWS (EC2, DynamoDB, Elasticache, RDS, Kinesis)
technologies: k8s, AWS, Azure, Golang, NodeJS
HISTORYBUFF.COM (2015-2016) Director, Technology
- Full stack development
- Maintain infrastructure on AWS (EC2, ECS, Elasticache, RDS, Route53, Cloudfront)
- Maintain development and deployment pipeline using Docker containers.
- Build User Generated Content CMS allowing internal and external users to create text and media articles.
- Work with 3rd party vendors to implement technologies (Stormpath user management, Cloudinary for images)
technologies: AWS, Docker, Python, Flask
- Design and implement a real-time backend to serve native video advertising via 3rd party publishing partners and collect viewing statistics.
- Develop a real-time bidder according to openRTB spec to compete in auctions, basing decisions on current campaign fill rate, price trend, and a viewer model built from internal and third party data.
- Lead on machine learning project which implemented neural network and random forest to parse web articles and select valid content.
- Build administrative dashboards for inhouse and external clients to display information about video ad campaigns.
- Maintain logging tools for tracking impressions and interactions with the ad unit.
- Write Hadoop scripts to process logs on Amazon Elastic Map Reduce to create reports for sales team.
technologies: AWS, Python, Django, Flask
DIGITAL DOMAIN (2012-2013) Assistant Technical Director
- Write and maintain tools to monitor multiple render queues and track disk usage.
- Database Administrator for MySQL databases that store information across multiple physical locations (Venice, Vancouver)
- Web Designer - Access and visualize the information.
- Disk Management Tool - Users can view their disk footprint and delete rendered data. They can also restore deleted data.
- Projections Tool - Historical computational resource usage, graphed over time. Queries databases in several physical locations, aggregate the data, and present it via a web interface as graphical models. Users can interact with graphs dynamically.
technologies: Python, Django, jQuery, Mustache.js, MySQL
DIGITAL DOMAIN (2010-2012) Digital Production Assistant
- Wrote tools in Python to automate render farm management and disk space management.
- Render Priority and Report Tool - Web UI to prioritize jobs across multiple render farms
- Built reporting tools to display information about completed, running, and queued jobs. Tool will estimate completion times.
- Tools built with python backend and exposed via web UI in the Django web framework.
OVATION (2010) Web Developer
- Widget creation in Flash and Javascript, MYSQL database management, content management, brand management across social media.
- LANGUAGES: Python, Javascript, Golang
- FRAMEWORKS: Django, Flask, NodeJS, Express.js, Kafka, Terraform, Kubernetes
- CLOUD: AWS, Azure
Traveling to far off lands, Surfing, Sailing, Free Diving, Fútbol, Animation, Interactive Media